15 best self-help books to Transform Your Mindset

15 best self help books to Transform Your Mindset

15 best self-help books to Transform Your Mindset

Are you here to learn the best self-help books you should read? If yes, then carefully read this post to the end.

I’ve been reading self-help books consistently now for five years, and throughout that time, I’ve encountered many popular self-help books that were absolutely boring, offered no insight, and repeated the same lessons I’ve read hundreds of times over. But in that process, I’ve found the gems that everybody should read to transform their lives.

From all the self-help books I’ve read over the years, I’ve whittled it down to the 15 best self-help books everyone must read.

In this today post, I’ll split them into four categories: mindset, relationships, success, and finance.


 The Best Self-Help Books to Transform Your Mindset


1. “The Daily Stoic” by Ryan Holiday

This is the perfect self-help book for beginners. The book is designed for you to read just one page every single day, summing up many big, valuable lessons from other self-help books into one. It covers mindset, happiness, and resilience.

The Daily Stoic” by Ryan Holiday
The Daily Stoic” by Ryan Holiday

Most of the chapter discusses the art of living and how to build the right mindset to get through anything and live a happy life. It calls out where you’re self-sabotaging, how to detach, why we let others affect us, and how to solve this.

This book inspired me to keep learning about stoicism, and since I read it, I’ve felt stoic practices naturally creep into my everyday life, making me a much calmer person. The stoic mindset is about accepting only what is true, working for the common good, matching our needs and wants to what is in our control, and embracing what nature has in store for us.


Building on the concepts of decision-making, this book will help you improve your approach.


2. “The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest

The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest is one of the best self-help books I would recommend to improve and transform your mindset.

This book focuses a lot on self-sabotage and how to work around it to get the life you want. If you feel like you’re at the beginning of your journey with a lot to overcome and a large gap between your current and desired self, you need to read this book.


It will help you understand how your subconscious mind works, which is crucial because it controls our daily decision-making, mood, feelings, and how we approach situations.

The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest
The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest

I read this when I was a confused postgraduate with ideas about my career but struggled to put those plans into action because of self-doubt. This book taught me to control my mind, pushing me toward my goals rather than away from them.

My favorite lesson was about hitting your upper limit, the amount of good you’re comfortable having in your life, and how surpassing that level can lead to self-sabotage.

3. “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

“The past and future are not real.” This remark drew my interest in this book, which teaches you how to separate yourself from your future while letting go of your past, thereby relieving tension.

“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle
“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

This book will change your mentality, increase your emotional intelligence, and boost your productivity. Tolle describes how we unintentionally destroy our days by worrying about regrets or to-do lists. With his lessons, you can finally break free from your ideas.

My favorite lesson was a quote: “The past gives you an identity, and the future holds the promise of salvation or fulfillment. Both are illusions.”

4. “101 Essays That Will Change Your Life” by Brianna Wiest

My all-time favorite book. Every single chapter is quite short, and the chapters are like little paragraphs split up into bullet points, but don’t let that fool you—there is so much wisdom in this book. Each fact is comforting and reassuring, feeling like a love letter to anyone in their 20s.

101 Essays That Will Change Your Life” by Brianna Wiest
101 Essays That Will Change Your Life” by Brianna Wiest

This book introduced me to the concept of detachment, helping me move on from the past and recent heartbreak. Choosing my favorite lesson is impossible because I loved every page, but one chapter that stood out was “How the People We Once Loved Turn Into Strangers Again,” providing much comfort during a difficult time.

Now… Let’s best self-help books to transform your relationship.


The Best Self-Help Books to Transform Your Relationships

These books cover self-love, romantic relationships, and relationships with family and friends. They have been the most transformative in my life, right down to why I’m in the relationship I’m in now.

1. “Conversations on Love” by Natasha Lunn

I love how this book touches on many different forms of love: parenting, romantic love, friendship, and self-love. When I was on my self-love journey, I struggled to find resonant books.

This one did it beautifully, with the author sharing her life experiences and interviewing experts on love in various forms.

Conversations on Love
“Conversations on Love” by Natasha Lunn

The book teaches how to implement these practices into daily life and shift your mindset to navigate relationships and love. The lesson that resonated with me the most was not relying on one person to fulfill all our needs, maintaining independence, and continuing our search for love outside our relationship.

2. “All About Love” by bell hooks

This book was transformative for me. I read it when I was hyper-independent after a self-love journey that made me avoidant, not wanting to rely on anyone or be in a relationship.

This book undid that damage, teaching me how to love myself and my partner, and what love actually means. Bell Hooks explains the seven components of real love: care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, trust, and open and honest communication.

All About Love” by bell hooks
All About Love” by bell hooks

Reading this book was a reality check, making me realize that in past instances where I thought I was in love, I wasn’t. It taught me how to show up better for the people in my life.

3. “Attached” by Dr. Amir Levine

I’ve recommended this book to so many people. It teaches about attachment styles and how to reach a secure attachment if you have an insecure one. We have avoidant attachment (running away from intimacy), anxious attachment (chasing people for love), secure attachment (healthy and long-lasting relationships), and disorganized attachment (a mix of both avoidant and anxious).

This book was a massive wake-up call, highlighting behaviors that were pushing me away from the ideal relationship I imagined. Changing my behavior and mindset helped me move to a secure attachment style.

4. “Why Men Love Bitches” by Sherry Argov

This was the first relationship book I ever read, and it transformed so much for me. The book goes through 100 attraction principles, teaching you how to go from doormat to dream girl. It emphasizes putting yourself first, maintaining independence, self-respect, and dignity, having a life outside your relationship, and ensuring the man is always the pursuer.

Why Men Love Bitches” by Sherry Argov
Why Men Love Bitches” by Sherry Argov

This book taught me not to ask a man for what I want or tell him what to do—if someone isn’t giving you what you need, don’t engage with them. This mindset ensured I’ve never been in a situation or experienced bare minimum treatment.


Best Self-Help Books That Will Make You More Successful

These books range from productivity to mindset and daily habits.

1. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear

A very popular book for a reason. It teaches you how to become your ideal self through the power of habits, describing them as the compound interest in becoming your dream self. “You are what you repeat” is a key teaching.

Atomic Habits” by James Clear
Atomic Habits” by James Clear

If you feel like you’re procrastinating or struggling to take action, this book will put you in check and help you start doing it. It offers techniques to make tough habits easier, making every habit obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying.

My favorite lesson was that your identity emerges from your habits—every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become.

2. “How to Be a Bawse” by Lilly Singh

A niche read that not enough people talk about, but I love this book. It’s my favorite for learning about productivity and gaining motivation and ambition.

Lilly Singh, a YouTube superstar, offers her insights on how to be successful through a mix of humor, personal stories, and practical advice. It’s a great read for anyone looking to boost their productivity and mindset.

She was one of the highest-earning YouTubers I think two or three years ago, the first South Asian woman to have her own late-night talk show, and so many other things.


She has accomplished so much in such a short space of time. Throughout the book, she touches on how she went from literally being depressed and doing nothing to building her empire. Her principle is, “don’t survive life, conquer it.” She is teaching the reader to always go that extra mile, and take the extra step to become better than you ever thought you could be. It’s written in a way where you feel like your best friend is talking to you. It’s very laid back, it’s very witty, you’ll have a laugh when you’re reading it. But at the same time, you’re learning about her thought process and how it got her to where she is today. How to take advantage of your struggles and how to get the most out of every 24 hours that you are given when you wake up.


My favorite lesson from this book was about building the pillars of your career. Essentially, you’re not putting all of your eggs in one basket. Lilly Singh speaks about how she always had so many projects she was juggling up in the air, and that is what made her successful, not one singular thing.

3. “Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod

If you’ve started with me since the beginning, then you know I was about to mention this book because I have been raving about it for years. For that reason, I’m going to keep it short. But basically, I’ve reread this book consistently over the last five years.

Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod
Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod

This book took me from being a night owl who hated waking up early in the morning (I used to regularly wake up at midday) to waking up early, going to the gym, and getting things done straight away. It teaches you how to not feel tired in the morning, even if you’ve had less sleep than you should have. It teaches you how to be a happy morning person, like those people who go on runs at six o’clock in the morning. Do you want to know what they’ve got going on? This book will teach you that.


But my favorite lesson from this book was the Life S.A.V.E.R.S morning routine. It goes into detail on a morning routine that’s going to make you super successful—the routines that the most successful and wealthy people on this planet use and how this is going to make you happier, healthier, and more successful.

4. “The Chimp Paradox” by Professor Steve Peters

Now, I am actually currently midway through reading this book. I have not even finished it yet, but it is changing my mind so much that I had to put it in this post.

I’ve been reading a lot of new books lately, and this is the finest one I’ve read in a long time, which is why it made this list. It doesn’t simply rehash what so many other self-help books say, which is something I like. It combines psychology and self-help, which I enjoy because my current goal is to learn more about psychology.

The Chimp Paradox
The Chimp Paradox

It literally helps you understand all of the different parts of your brain and how they work, and then how you can use that to your advantage.

It’s called The Chimp Paradox because it basically uses an analogy that part of your brain is the chimp. This is the part of your brain that acts purely on emotion rather than logic. More often than not, this is the same part of our brain that self-sabotages, which makes us have all of those irrational thoughts and messes up our communication with others sometimes. So, the book teaches you how to control your emotions and to act in your best interest.


Having laid the groundwork for personal growth, let’s transition to enhancing our personal life with wisdom from self-help books for finance


Best Self-Help Books On Finance

Okay, we are in our era of improving our financial literacy and becoming wealthy women. Let’s go

1. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki

This is the first finance book I ever read. I read it at 17, and this truly changed my life and the way that I look at money forever. Everyone needs to read this ASAP. It’s perfect for teenagers. It’s the great first finance book to start for all girls who invest as I mentioned before. This book teaches you the mindset of the rich and all of the lessons that no one else bothered to teach you growing up. The lessons in this book will be the difference as to whether you end up as one of the billions of people who stop working until they’re 65 and then survive off of a minimum wage state pension after, or whether you retire early with financial freedom and the luxury to do whatever you want whenever you want.

Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki self help
Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki self help

This book counters everything you thought you knew about money. No, you shouldn’t be just saving money in a bank account. No, you don’t need to be working longer hours. No, that thing isn’t actually an asset; it’s a liability. Now, at 17, I was still in school. I hadn’t even started university yet. I didn’t have a job. I didn’t really have much to my name, but this book just influenced my mindset and helped me start shaping the idea of what I want my future to look like. It is most definitely the reason why I’m a business owner today, why I’m an investor today, and how I use my money to my advantage.


The lesson that stood out to me the most was when Robert Kiyosaki said, “Don’t buy liabilities on your way to financial freedom.” This was a really hard pill for me to swallow, okay? I am such a material girl. I want all the clothes and the shoes and the designer bags, and I want to buy them all at once. But this book really taught me about financial discipline and patience and valuing what’s going to build me wealth long term and what I should really be investing my money into. With his lessons, it will stick in your mind to buy the right assets to then be able to buy all of those liabilities and luxury cars and expensive handbags as much as you want, as long as you’re using the assets you’ve invested in to buy them first.

2. The “4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss

This book is exactly what it says on the tin: literally working four hours every single week. The book teaches you how to escape your nine-to-five, able to work from anywhere in the world, and still be successful. It’s not about working harder; it’s not about working longer; it’s literally about working smarter and working way less and still getting the same, if not better, results.

This is a must-read if you are in a nine-to-five, if you want to get out of the rat race, if you are an aspiring business owner or if you are a business owner. Oh my god, there are so many amazing tools and techniques that he outlines throughout the book. I have highlighted so many websites that he shares within the book, and it’s just so useful. Not a lot of books do that.

Ferris included this quote with the goal of emphasizing to the reader how important it is to have a list of priorities set out before you even start your working day. I have carried this out into my everyday life now. It has massively influenced how I time block, how I set my work goals, and ensure that I’m not just meaninglessly sitting at a desk all day long thinking I’m working hard just because I’m sat there for longer. This book is a step-by-step guide on how you can leave work, go and travel the world, and actually get the most out of life by essentially doing the bare minimum.


I hope you guys enjoyed this post. If you did, make sure you drop a comment below. You can check out the book, I have linked every single book I have mentioned in this post below each of it so you can start leveling up your life today on this top-rated self-help book.   

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